See what is available then request your free consultation to go over the details!
3 days/week strength training plan in an app to track your progress
Self-paced courses to learn how to do your own nutrition
Self-paced courses to learn how to lift with a barbell, do a pull up, and more!
Mini lessons on topics like stress, sleep, protein powder, digestion, and more!
Twice monthly group coaching Zoom calls to answer all of your burning questions!
24/7 access to the online community to get help from coach and the team
Access to the Girl Gang Headquarters app
Choose the free consultation button if you would like to meet on Zoom to chat about the GGHQ Group Coaching plan before signing up OR if you would like to include any of the below add ons to the group coaching plan.
Personalized training plan upgrade for online coaching
1 on 1 coaching upgrade for online coaching
Starting at
60 minute in gym sessions together
Personalized in app training plans
Personalized nutrition plan
Full access to the Girl Gang Headquarters app that includes self-paced courses and more
Weekly video check ins
Twice monthly Zoom group coaching calls
Monthly Girl Gang community events
Powerlifting sport specific coaching also included
Training is at Nashville MMA Training Camp at 1504 Elm Hill Pike OR at Coach Kristin's garage gym (depending on your training day)
I also have an affordable monthly workout programming option called The StrongHER Together Lifting Club!
Click here to learn about The Stronger TogetHER Lifting Club!
Kristin Petrony
Text (702) 241-4279
Copyright © 2024 Math & Macros Personal Training, LLC
Nashville, Tennssee